History of IBI Kesatuan
The Foundation of Kesatuan which was established by notarial deed Mr. Sie Kwan Djioe dated September 26, 1953 as the Legal Entity Founder and Organizer of the Academy Management of Kesatuan, Bogor.
Then in 1974 it developed into the Academy Management of Kesatuan (AMK) with 2 (two) Study Programs namely D3 Financial and Banking Management and D3 Marketing Management.
Then in 1996 the Foundation of Kesatuan established the Higher School of Economics Kesatuan of Economics (STIE), with 2 Undergraduate Study Programs and 1 Diploma 3 Study Program, namely Management Degree 1, Accounting Degree 1, Accounting Diploma 3, with Establishment Decree Number 42/D/O/ 1996 dated July 17, 1996. In 2009, AMK was united under the auspices of the STIE Kesatuan and in 2019, the STIE Kesatuan changed to the Institute of Business and Informatics of Kesatuan (IBI Kesatuan).